A residential development of 39 1 & 2 bedroom apartments and 13 terrace properties, 3 & 4 bedroom.
All stone built of a traditional character to harmonise with the Milnsbridge Conservation Area.
Inclusive within the site will be the enhancement of an existing Riverside Walk, a Children's Play Area and Public Open Space.
When complete, the development will provide a much needed improvement to this neglected area of Milnsbridge.
This is to provide increased manufacturing capabilities at the site for the Aquacast Facility.
The new building will replace an existing dilapidated mill building that has become disused over the years.
The proposed shed will sit between the Huddersfield Narrow Canal and the River Colne and when complete will bring a much needed visual improvement to that part of the valley as well as giving the company extra manufacturing capacity.
DAM's continuous striving to improve and increase their property portfolio shows them to be a forward thinking company, but also one with a keen sense of community and heritage.
Adam Mosley